
ICL Innovationは、農作物が窒素を養分として利用するための窒素固定に係る新規の素材及び革新的な技術を求めています。







IMI TAMI(ICLの研究開発機関)における、分析実験室、パイロット設備、高い技術水準のR&Dチームの提供・協力


研究資金(Funded research)
独占的知財ライセンス(Exclusive IP licensing)
共同研究開発(Joint development)

Nitrogen fixation for crops

ICL Innovation seeks novel materials and technological innovations relating to nitrogen fixation for use as a nutrient in crops.

We are interested in

Modified natural mineral or synthetic organo-metallic complexes for the photo-fixation of nitrogen from air at ambient temperature and pressure
A biomimetic system for the fixation of nitrogen from air in ambient temperature and pressure that can be added to crops either through the roots or through foliar application


The biological enzyme nitrogenase is nature’s way of catalyzing nitrogen fixation from the air. Nitrogen is unavailable as such for plants and therefore requires a symbiotic process. In legumes, as an example, this is achieved through symbiosis with a bacteria called Rhizobium that synthesizes the nitrogenase enzyme. Nitrogen is then reduced to Ammonia and used for a host of growth and life sustaining processes, notably photosynthesis. When approaching the subject of mimicking this natural process two routes come to mind: photo-fixation on the leaf and a chemical process in the rhizosphere- the area surrounding the roots. As our objective is to address the nitrogen needs of the plant, production rate is small, and needn’t compete with such industrial processes as Haber-Bosch in efficiency and volume. It is only required to provide the plant’s needs, or part thereof. By doing this, ICL Innovation hopes to address a pressing environmental concern, namely the nitrification of N-fertilizers in the soil and their run-off to fresh water streams. We encourage a fresh thinking process that focuses on the plants environment and the ways to enrich it with this most needed of nutrients: Nitrogen.

Our criteria

Rate of fixation- should meet the plant’s need for Nitrogen, or a substantial part thereof
Cost- total usage cost should be lower than using urea
Compliance with current and anticipated regulations
Ease of manufacturing

Information on ICL’s current product line for slow release and controlled release fertilizers can be found in the ICL Specialty Fertilizersweb page. As a technology incubator, ICL Innovation is looking only for innovative technologies that may be further developed and commercialized through a business unit in ICL.

We Offer

Full funding for selected technologies
Analytical laboratories, pilot facilities and high level R&D teams based on IMI TAMI- ICL’s research and development institute
A business unit within ICL Specialty Fertilizers as an industrial commercialization partner

IP Collaboration

Funded research
Exclusive IP licensing
Joint development

keywords1: 窒素固定,肥料
keywords2: 共同研究, ライセンス
language : -JP
infocode : m03y0FcD01r01
N-number : 0F_D09

Israel Chemical Limited (ICL) について

Israel Chemical Limited(ICL)本社:イスラエル、従業員:14,000人、売上高:約50億ドル、2015年末現在。ICLは、臭素・カリ・リン・マグネシウム等のミネラルをベースに、弊社の採掘・抽出・化学生成の高い技術を活かして、肥料・食品・エンジニアリングマテリアルの分野にユニークで付加価値の高い製品とサービスを提供している。